
The aims and objectives for which the Association is established are as under :

  • To bring Pathology, Medical Microbiology, Clinical Biochemistry, Cytopathology, Hematology, Clinical Immunology, Human Genetics, Endocrinology and other related diagnostic branches of medicine under one umbrella of IALP.

  • To promote and spread the clinically oriented teaching and practice of Diagnostic Medicine for more co-ordinated medical management of all illnesses including AIDS; and strive to bring Laboratory Medicine at par with other clinical branches of Medicine and recognise all IALP members as Laboratory Physicians.

  • To promote the trend of self and peer accreditation of all the diagnostic laboratories and good practices of Hospital infection control and safe hospital waste management.

  • To work as nodal agency for recommending the recognition or de-recognition of training centers/colleges, diagnostic laboratories/centers for quality assurance/accreditation with other Government or non-government agencies including Medical Council of India, Indian Medical Association, IAPM etc. due to their satisfactory or unsatisfactory performances, respectively.

  • To keep a check on mushrooming of unqualified persons /laboratories catering diagnostic services directly on patients.

  • To disseminate the scientific knowledge about recent advances in laboratory diagnosis of infectious and non-infectious human diseases including HIV/AIDS management, emerging and re-emerging infections, universal precautions, hospital infection control and hospital waste management through Journals/News Letters/ Pamphlets/ Radio/television programmes etc.

  • To organise short term and long term training/workshop/ Super/subspecialty courses for members and award certificates, in order to develop skilled man power in the area of diagnostic medicine.

  • To organise short term and long term training/workshop/ Super/subspecialty courses for members and award certificates, in order to develop skilled man power in the area of diagnostic medicine.

  • To establish Medical and Paramedical teaching Institutions in India to produce technically and professionally qualified laboratory technicians and Laboratory Physicians.

  • To award Fellowships to distinguished scientists/personalities for their outstanding contributions.

  • To collaborate with scientists/doctors outside the country and working in the field and take their help to develop diagnostic technology in India.

  • To encourage and collaborate the interaction between scientific community and the market/industry in area of diagnostic medicine and help them in patenting/marketing their product/ technology in the field.

  • To arrange regular training courses for Laboratory Technicians, in order to maintain proficiency in laboratory testing